general practitioner

Dear patients,

 Let me introduce you to some useful information concerning our medical surgery. Our professional team is willing to help with any medical problems you may incur throughout your time in Vienna.

Having established our medical surgery for general practice and child health care in 1984, our experience and know how has been appreciated and well respected, by the local and international community.



Insurances:   all private insurances


OFFICE HOURS:               by appointment   online or   0677  62656822


  TUE      4 -7 pm

  WEN    12 am - 3 pm

  FRI        11 am - 2 pm


Brief summary about the austrian medical social security system:

  • compulsory membership for everyone, employed by an austrian company.
  • 80-90 % of the population is covered under that system.
  • Krankenkasse pays for hospital inhouse treatment in public hospitals, and has contracts with a variety of non hospital-doctors (GP´s and specialists), commonly indicated by the the term: "ALLE KASSEN".
  • everyone covered by this type of insurance can expect free medical service.
  • patients don't have to pay for consultations or visits.
  • provides the population with a medical system of a rather high standard.

Advantages of Krankenkassen


  • all doctors with contracts (GP and specialists)
  • medical laboratorys for tests
  • x-ray institutes
  • physiotherapy
  • medical treatments
  • no financial limitation for expensive treatments (cancer, coronary by pass, rehabilitation etc.)

Disadvantages of Krankenkassen

  • clinics and ambulances are often crowded
  • long waiting time at clinics of GP`s (some doctors offer consultations upon appointment)
  • doctors are often not able to offer much of their time to patients.
  • no choice of doctor in case of inhouse hospital treatment (surgery)

Questions most often asked by newcomers

How do people find into the medical system?

  • normal weekdays:                       Your personal doctor (GP, specialist)
  • weekends and holydays:         Phone: 141 Ärztenotdienst
  •                                                                 Phone: 144 Ambulance (german Rettung)
  • during nighttime:                         Phone: 144 Ärztenotdienst

Most public hospitals have inhouse ambulances, where you can go to in case of emergencies even during nighttime.

In case of accidents

AKH Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien
1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
 T +43 1 40 4000

LBK Lorenz Böhler Unfallkrankenhaus 
(very well equipped)
1200 Wien, Donaueschingenstraße 13
T +43 1 331 10-0


Important phone numbers

Mobile medical service                        141          available between 7 pm - 8 am  (german Ärztenotdienst)

Police                                                               133          (german Polizei)

Fire Brigade                                                  122          (german Feuerwehr)

Ambulance                                                     144          (german Rettung)

Austrian Flying Doctors                          401 44    (german Ärzteflugambulanz)

Info about pharmacies on duty            15 05      (german Apothendienst)